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Western systems use people. Indoctrinates people to consider themselves as ‘belonging’ to a community/country/class/ideology group, then to work as pawn for the group, dangling carrots in front, and using stick behind.

Christianity make people consider themselves as ‘christian’, who are reserved a place in ‘heaven’ alongside ‘god’ for working for the church, else a place in hell

Islam indoctrinates people to consider themselves as belonging to ‘ummah’, who are, again, reserved a place in heaven if working for ummah, else they will get hell

Communism makes people swallow the line that they belong to a ‘working class’, who have a special place in the ‘egalitarian state’ that is to come in future, for which they should carry out the dictates of the politburo, else they will be considered class enemy and killed

Capitalism indoctrinates people to consider themselves as belonging to ‘modern society’ where consuming and devising ways to consume Nature and other beings is essential nature and the path to self-actualisation, so people should engage in capturing and developing new markets for exploitation by the capitalists, else will be termed ‘primitive’, ‘anti-modern’, ‘fundamentalist’ and displaced, destroyed.

Words like ‘love’, ‘peace’, ‘equality’, ‘freedom’, ‘development’, ‘democracy’, are used to deceive people, to cloak the selfish endeavours of aggrandizers as they use people.


In the last Lok Sabha elections in India, voter turnout was 60%. The UPA got 37% votes polled. That means, 22% of eligible voters in India voted for UPA. Which means, 78% of eligible voters in India did not choose the current govt. Yet ‘democracy’ is touted as representing aspirations of majority.

Out of the 22% indians that voted for UPA, half of it comprise of their permanent vote banks among muslims and christians, and of the remaining half, a major chunk comprise of people who have been bribed- through pre-election soaps like pay hike, free televisions, loan waivers, NREGA scheme and giving cash directly.

The system fools people into considering that they elect representatives to administer their country. Reality is that people are given choice between candidates fielded by different parties that serve themselves and those who provide them funds. By dividing society these parties have developed their vote-banks that are sufficient to prevent any independent from upsetting the cart. If somebody emerges like that, that person is immediately bought over by the power brokers into one of the alliances or decimated. The ‘elected representatives’ then further divide society through harmful policies while developing their vote-banks, misappropriate taxpayer’s money for personal benefit as well as to indirectly fund election campaigns by way of schemes that are actually thinly disguised soaps to bribe voters. Society is made supine and indolent, prevented from realizing or prosecuting these power structures by indoctrination and propaganda through media and academe.

The current ‘democratic system’ is off the people, buy the people and fraud the people.

In sharp contrast, the system that existed in the past in India, that of panchayats, were true representative of people, it comprised of the local people, was answerable to local people in transparent manner, decision making was transparent. Truly, of the people, by the people, for the people.

Dividing people

Dividing people is the way by which western systems sustain their influence in society. Dividing people into minority/majority, modern/primitive, right wing/ left wing, moderate/extremist, religious/rationalist/agnostic/atheist, muslim/kaffir, christian/heathen, liberal/fundamentalist,   communist/bourgeoisie, lower-caste/upper-caste, SC/ST/OBC/MBC/Dalit/General/Other, us/them. Thereafter generate antipathy, prejudice in minds of people against ‘the other’ and use people as tools to subversively further the selfish interest of aggrandizers. The fear, suspicion created in minds fixate people on labels and prevent them from understanding themselves, life and ‘the others’, and renders them susceptible to manipulation by others and turn manipulative themselves.


Fooling people is the perennial characteristic of all western systems.

Every victory made by the western systems were bought. Each one was achieved by bribing an insider to turncoat. Betrayal is the foundation upon which western systems are built upon.

Prominent example is the way Romans bribed Judas to betray Jesus.
Later the growing christian community was infiltrated by Romans, who then established Catholic Church with a clergy as intermediary between Jesus’s teachings and laity, that deprived access to Bible by lay people, turning them into sheep- with clergy as shepherd, who were then inculcated with herd mentality and used to expand the influence of Roman Empire. Indigenous groups that resisted Roman aggression were called infidel/heathens and massacred without conscience, millions were burned at stake.

This characteristic of infiltrating opposing camps and buying turncoats using incentives was on display in the Islamic capture of Medina and later Mecca.

This feature was also the path adopted by every muslim marauder that came to India, as well as extensively by the brutish, portugese, french and dutch colonizers.

This was also the path by which europeans defeated Native Americans.
This was the technique by which slavery was sustained for centuries, by cultivating what Malcolm X called ‘house niggers’ and Uncle Toms among the slave community.

This characteristic drives the west-created system in India and all over the world today.

It is the turncoat Kashmiris that are used as pawns by these west-created systems in Kashmir. It is the converted christians that are used as pawns by these west-created systems to destroy Indian society in North East, Orissa, etc. It is the turncoats among tribal communities that are used to establish hegemony of western empires in tribal lands today. It is the sold out indians that are used to entrench western interest in indian society- the sold out indians in media, in political parties, in bureaucracy, in NGOs, in police, in Judiciary, in academe, in entertainment industry, in corporate field.

Root cause

While deracination plays a large part in making of a turncoat, it is ultimately the inherent characteristic of a person, the inherent consciousness of dharma or its deficiency, that makes a person sell him/herself repeatedly.
It is consciousness of dharma and adherence to it that sustains life, sustains dharma, and in turn sustains the sustainer of dharma.


Each of the western systems of aggrandizement, built upon deceit, division, bribery, crash down when the turncoats turn around, when sepoys rebel, when sheep become humans, when people realize their roots, realize themselves, and within them dharma.

murti puja

bharatiya samskriti inspire transcending limitations inherent in conceptualizations of nama-rupam, discerning essence beyond appearance.

murti puja is one of the ways that help integrate physical and mental planes, connecting upasaka to the non-physical causative energy that is behind the diverse physical and mental object-conceptions. veda, purana, itihasa– carrying deeper meaning beyond physical, yogik mudra, mantra, also serve similar purpose.

Concepts beyond physical are represented in physical form of murti. Recognizing the concepts creates a channel connecting the physical and mental planes, paving way towards realization, brahma jnana. It is like in a scientific formula that conveys meaning and truth transcending physicality of symbols used, the true meaning is understood when the meaning of symbols are correctly recognized, going beyond their common understanding as alphabets.

These practices of bharatiya samskriti help liberate people, make them contented, self-sufficient and in bliss, ananda.

Idols in mind

Self-sufficiency and liberation of common people deprive those holding positions of temporal power the authority and privileges they expropriate. Crooked minds that seek control over others for self-aggrandizing purpose endeavour to prevent liberation and self-sufficiency among people by decreeing non-physical conceptualization of objects ‘heretical’. They destroy physical objects used for the purpose, sever the connection between physical and mental plane, claim themselves to be messenger/mediator-church for an almighty entity ‘god’, install idols of God/Allah, Ummah in minds of followers, shackling them to these artificial idol-concepts in segregated physical and mental prison cells. Fabricated myths and rituals enforce mind-control over people.

Idols in mind are the foundation upon which western hegemonic empire is built.
In some western systems, idols installed in mind are ‘Almighty God’, its ‘Messenger/Son’, ‘Ummah’ and ‘Church’.
In some others, it is ‘Class war’, ‘Politburo’ and ‘Egalitarian State’.
In another, it is ‘Free Market Development’, mounted on pedestal of premise that ‘Consuming’/’aggrandizing’ is essential nature and purpose of life.
In some other, it is ‘Rational logic’; while in another, it is ‘Physical perception/ Experimental validation’.
In some other system, it is ‘Race’, while in another, it is ‘Nation’.
In another system, where people give up rights to decision-making every five years to opportunists, it is called ‘Democratic Government’.
In some other system, it is ‘separation of religion from governance’, while in another, it is ‘Equality’.
Other such idols in mind are ‘Rule of Law’, ‘Judiciary’, ‘Criminal Justice System’, ‘Education system’, ‘Patriotism’, ‘Charity’, and so on.

Idols in mind are venerated or ridiculed depending on dogma fed.

These idols- Church, Ummah, God, Allah, Government, Judiciary, State, UN, Police, Law and Order, Charity, Science, Democracy, and so on, are given infallible aura, are exalted and venerated, while the so-called ‘common man’ is considered common fodder for aggrandizers to feed on.

Indoctrination from childhood is the path by which such hegemony is established in minds of people.

Minds stunted by indoctrination are calibrated to react violently to perceived slight to idols in mind. In a recent incident in state of Kerala, the hand of a college professor, a christian, was severed by muslim adherents, because, while setting question paper, he gave the name ‘Mohammed’ to a mentally unsound character in a passage where that person hallucinates having conversation with ‘god’.


These impositions fixate people on physicality of objects, preventing recognition of connection between physical and mental planes.

The ensuing disconnect between the mental and physical plane manifest in disparity between theory and practice. Claiming to spread ‘love’, ‘peace’, ‘brotherhood’ and ‘equality’, they practice genocide, slavery, aggrandization and divisiveness. Ideals are accepted as separate from and often incongruent with ‘what is practical’. The dissonance between physical and mental plane prevent recognition of duplicity in action and words.

The disconnect between mental plane and physical further prevent comprehending of unifying connections that pervade life and entire creation, leading to compartmentalizing of everything, divided, separated from others, labeled and pigeonholed.
Labels then replace reality in their minds.

The compartmentalization is applied to time as well. Past, Present and Future are discretized and insulated. People fixated on physical body consider life as beginning from birth and ending in death. That outlook corresponding to growth of physical body is accepted as representing ‘progress of life on earth’ as well; also called ‘evolution of life’.
Past is considered represented by childhood- largely characterized by ignorance and helplessness. Other living beings, deemed to be in ‘less evolved stages of life’, are considered representing that ‘less evolved past’ and diminished.
The ‘growth of individual’, involving discarding of previous notions, is practiced in ‘breaking away from past’, discounting value of animals and plants and other life forms, considering humans as ‘most mature, evolved form of life’. Other life forms are considered deserving to be controlled or used as deemed fit by these ‘evolved human beings’. Everything related to past are condemned ‘primitive’, at best of value only as museum curios. The fixation with material objects in physical plane parallely manifest in the segregated mental plane as fixation with such misconceptions.


bharatiya parampara, by contrast, view life as resembling the continuous alternation of day and night. Consciousness awakes in the morning, directs the body during day, wanes in night, remains dormant in sleep and re-awakes in morning. That sequence is considered represented in the creation of world, its sustenance, eventual dissolution and re-creation. Recognizing atman as basis of living beings; and physical bodies as incidental- rather than defining of life, the perennial sequence of birth and death are comprehended as required to actualize karma. The connect between the mental plane and physical plane enable realizing integrality with entire creation and its causative energy.

Breaking Idols

Minds and lives discretized by misconceptions enable entrenched control by those holding power and serve to aggrandize such influence further.

Breaking idols installed in mind, is first step.

Decision Making in bharatiya parampara

In bharatiya parampara decision making occur at four different levels.

Level One. Follow another person or group. Do what s/he does on the assumption that s/he knows better, on the basis of life experience/knowledge level/ merely because it is easier to follow and/or because of being enamoured of the personality- kama.

Level Two. Decision on the basis of anticipated material advantage, artha.

Level Three. Decision on the basis of what is righteous- dharma. Choosing the option that sustain values in society.

Level Four. Decision on the basis of brahma-jnana. Decision taken with intuitive knowledge of brahma.

How the decision is taken reveals the varna of the person or group or the society.

Traditionally in bharatiya parampara decisions affecting society were taken by the kshetriya under the guidance of brahmana guru, criteria for decision being upholding of dharma. Such decisions encouraged dharmic values in society and fostered prosperity and peace.
Decisions on family matters took into account artha– material aspects, in addition, while on personal level, kama– personal preferences, were also considered.

Decision Making in Modern Democracy

In a modern democracy, it is the majority consent that decides matters at societal level.

Majority consent is shaped by public opinion formed on the basis of the following mediums:-

1. News Media– Television, radio, newspapers, magazines.

2. Art – Movies, TV serials, drama, songs, dance, sculpture, paintings, cartoons.

3. Academy– Educational curriculum, text books, classroom discourse, research programmes.

4. Government, including Judiciary- government sponsored schemes, information campaigns, policies, governmental institutions, offices, government servants, law and law enforcement agencies.

5. Political party/NGO activities– demonstrations, mass movements, public awareness programmes, personal interactions.

6. Commercial organisations– MNCs, private companies, advertisement campaigns

7. Religious discourse– Church, Mosque, Sunday Schools, Madrassas, Satsang.

8. Traditions and Culture.

9. Public personalities– Sports stars, movie/tv stars, Sant, Baba, ‘Intellectuals’, political/society leaders, artists, media personalities.

How each of the above mediums perform vis-a-vis the criteria of kama, artha, dharma and moksha, influences the shaping of public opinion and varna of society.


News media that follows the lead of western media, Art forms that are shaped under western influence, Academy that looks towards the west for inspiration and direction, Government that is based on western model, Political parties and NGOs that are influenced by western discourse, Companies that function on the lines of western organisational structure and motivations, Religious discourse based on western thought, Traditions and culture of western origin and Public personalities under western influence. These help form a society that is tamasic in character, sudra in varna, that always seek to follow the lead of somebody else.
On occasions where no previous model exists to follow, such a society defers its decisions until passage of time throws up a default decision or presents an emulatable course to follow.

Tamasic Rajas

When the mediums that shape public opinion act with the motive of material gain, society acquires rajasic quality in addition to tamas. Such a society has media dominated by news of material nature, business and financial matters; Art forms exploring technical excellence, deficient in ethics; Academy oriented towards technological advancement, devoid of morals; Government actively involved in infrastructure building, economy, promoting consumerism; Political Parties, NGOs funded and sponsored by business houses. Commercial organisations dominating society; Religious discourse colored by material motivations; Traditions and Culture stressing on material accruement, and Public personalities selling products.

The discourse of such a society will be on material benefit. Decisions revolve around this criteria.

Sattvic Rajas

When the mediums shaping public opinion discourse on values, society acquire sattvic tinge along with rajas. Such a society will have news media discussing ethical ramifications while analysing current events, Art aimed at inspiring altruistic imagination in minds of the public, Academy oriented towards fostering moral living values in society, Government acting decisively to uphold righteousness in society, Law and judicial decisions reflecting dharma, Political parties, NGOs acting motivated by values, Companies producing goods for sustenance of society as well as Nature, Religious discourse directed towards righteous living in harmony with diverse viewpoints, Traditions and Culture promoting moral values in society, and self-effacing public personalities upholding dharmic values.

In short, rama rajya.


When the public concentrates on moksha, the mediums that shape public opinion converge towards that goal. In news media, incidental nature of news lose relevance and karmic causes and ramifications are paid attention. Art forms a medium to experience and express realization. Academic pursuit, like all other, orient towards brahma-jnana. History is no more mere chronicling of incidents, instead record the eternal cycle of creations and dissolutions under karmic effect and their dharmic lessons provide inspiration and guidance towards spiritual living. Centralised government lose relevance as people govern themselves dharmically at local and individual levels. Companies shrink in size and number as materials required by society reduce. Religions disappear as people live spiritually. Traditions and Culture inspire realization and Personalities dissolve upon brahma-jnana.

Society Today

Indian society today, by and large, emulates western society and engages in material advancement at all costs to individual, family, society, nation and Nature. Thus it shows predominantly sudra varna that is transforming into vyshya.
Symbolically, India today is headed by people chosen for their sudra characteristic of followership, though trained to be vyshya – products of the british created education system designed to produce technically qualified workers for the empire.

Way Ahead

As rajas rises in society, represented by the transformation to vyshya characteristic from sudra, to check the deleterious effect on human psyche and on Nature, of unbridled rajasic indulgence in materialism, evident in human society today, and for long term sustenance, of individual, society, as well as Nature, tempering and channelization with dharmic considerations are necessary.

Increased deliberations on dharmic aspects at societal level impart kshetriya varna to society and raise sattvic characteristic.

Sustained rise of sattvic characteristic inspire brahma-jnana.


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