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Western systems use people. Indoctrinates people to consider themselves as ‘belonging’ to a community/country/class/ideology group, then to work as pawn for the group, dangling carrots in front, and using stick behind.

Christianity make people consider themselves as ‘christian’, who are reserved a place in ‘heaven’ alongside ‘god’ for working for the church, else a place in hell

Islam indoctrinates people to consider themselves as belonging to ‘ummah’, who are, again, reserved a place in heaven if working for ummah, else they will get hell

Communism makes people swallow the line that they belong to a ‘working class’, who have a special place in the ‘egalitarian state’ that is to come in future, for which they should carry out the dictates of the politburo, else they will be considered class enemy and killed

Capitalism indoctrinates people to consider themselves as belonging to ‘modern society’ where consuming and devising ways to consume Nature and other beings is essential nature and the path to self-actualisation, so people should engage in capturing and developing new markets for exploitation by the capitalists, else will be termed ‘primitive’, ‘anti-modern’, ‘fundamentalist’ and displaced, destroyed.

Words like ‘love’, ‘peace’, ‘equality’, ‘freedom’, ‘development’, ‘democracy’, are used to deceive people, to cloak the selfish endeavours of aggrandizers as they use people.


In the last Lok Sabha elections in India, voter turnout was 60%. The UPA got 37% votes polled. That means, 22% of eligible voters in India voted for UPA. Which means, 78% of eligible voters in India did not choose the current govt. Yet ‘democracy’ is touted as representing aspirations of majority.

Out of the 22% indians that voted for UPA, half of it comprise of their permanent vote banks among muslims and christians, and of the remaining half, a major chunk comprise of people who have been bribed- through pre-election soaps like pay hike, free televisions, loan waivers, NREGA scheme and giving cash directly.

The system fools people into considering that they elect representatives to administer their country. Reality is that people are given choice between candidates fielded by different parties that serve themselves and those who provide them funds. By dividing society these parties have developed their vote-banks that are sufficient to prevent any independent from upsetting the cart. If somebody emerges like that, that person is immediately bought over by the power brokers into one of the alliances or decimated. The ‘elected representatives’ then further divide society through harmful policies while developing their vote-banks, misappropriate taxpayer’s money for personal benefit as well as to indirectly fund election campaigns by way of schemes that are actually thinly disguised soaps to bribe voters. Society is made supine and indolent, prevented from realizing or prosecuting these power structures by indoctrination and propaganda through media and academe.

The current ‘democratic system’ is off the people, buy the people and fraud the people.

In sharp contrast, the system that existed in the past in India, that of panchayats, were true representative of people, it comprised of the local people, was answerable to local people in transparent manner, decision making was transparent. Truly, of the people, by the people, for the people.

Dividing people

Dividing people is the way by which western systems sustain their influence in society. Dividing people into minority/majority, modern/primitive, right wing/ left wing, moderate/extremist, religious/rationalist/agnostic/atheist, muslim/kaffir, christian/heathen, liberal/fundamentalist,   communist/bourgeoisie, lower-caste/upper-caste, SC/ST/OBC/MBC/Dalit/General/Other, us/them. Thereafter generate antipathy, prejudice in minds of people against ‘the other’ and use people as tools to subversively further the selfish interest of aggrandizers. The fear, suspicion created in minds fixate people on labels and prevent them from understanding themselves, life and ‘the others’, and renders them susceptible to manipulation by others and turn manipulative themselves.


Fooling people is the perennial characteristic of all western systems.

Every victory made by the western systems were bought. Each one was achieved by bribing an insider to turncoat. Betrayal is the foundation upon which western systems are built upon.

Prominent example is the way Romans bribed Judas to betray Jesus.
Later the growing christian community was infiltrated by Romans, who then established Catholic Church with a clergy as intermediary between Jesus’s teachings and laity, that deprived access to Bible by lay people, turning them into sheep- with clergy as shepherd, who were then inculcated with herd mentality and used to expand the influence of Roman Empire. Indigenous groups that resisted Roman aggression were called infidel/heathens and massacred without conscience, millions were burned at stake.

This characteristic of infiltrating opposing camps and buying turncoats using incentives was on display in the Islamic capture of Medina and later Mecca.

This feature was also the path adopted by every muslim marauder that came to India, as well as extensively by the brutish, portugese, french and dutch colonizers.

This was also the path by which europeans defeated Native Americans.
This was the technique by which slavery was sustained for centuries, by cultivating what Malcolm X called ‘house niggers’ and Uncle Toms among the slave community.

This characteristic drives the west-created system in India and all over the world today.

It is the turncoat Kashmiris that are used as pawns by these west-created systems in Kashmir. It is the converted christians that are used as pawns by these west-created systems to destroy Indian society in North East, Orissa, etc. It is the turncoats among tribal communities that are used to establish hegemony of western empires in tribal lands today. It is the sold out indians that are used to entrench western interest in indian society- the sold out indians in media, in political parties, in bureaucracy, in NGOs, in police, in Judiciary, in academe, in entertainment industry, in corporate field.

Root cause

While deracination plays a large part in making of a turncoat, it is ultimately the inherent characteristic of a person, the inherent consciousness of dharma or its deficiency, that makes a person sell him/herself repeatedly.
It is consciousness of dharma and adherence to it that sustains life, sustains dharma, and in turn sustains the sustainer of dharma.


Each of the western systems of aggrandizement, built upon deceit, division, bribery, crash down when the turncoats turn around, when sepoys rebel, when sheep become humans, when people realize their roots, realize themselves, and within them dharma.


In bharatiya samskriti, the tendency to benefit the world, enabling it’s sustenance, is termed deva; and that to self-aggrandize is termed asura.
Whenever asura tendency rose inordinately, and sustenance of Earth was threatened, corrective action was made to retain the balance of society and of Earth by the conscious bharatiya.

The world today

The world today is divided into two factions- the slaves of west, and the rest.
The slaves here refer to people who are already brought under western self-aggrandizing system. They are used to propagate western culture of self-aggrandizement further, imposing it upon the rest.
The ‘rest’ include the rest of the peoples who have still not been consumed by the voracious western system. These are largely confined to peoples living in close proximity to Nature in remote areas and a rare few who live amidst areas of western influence and rebel against western hegemonical imposition. Besides these, the ‘rest’ also include Nature- plants, animals, birds, environment and Earth.

The slaves

The slaves are further divided- those who willingly toe the line of western masters and collaborate in imposing western superiority and strengthening it, and those who, having interacted with westerners in equal manner, having seen them as no better capable than anybody else, refuse to accept superiority of the westerner and uses the positive characteristics and achievements of indigenous culture systems of their countries to claim equal recognition. They yet remain within the western system, indulging in the avenues of self-aggrandization provided by it, are an integral part of the western system drawing sustenance from it. All they want is a bigger share of the pie than they are currently provided with. These people may go on to develop clones of the specific western system that they are opposing, with features of indigenous cultures added.

The ‘rest’, by contrast, recognize the value of indigenous culture systems and live it. Their aim in life is directed by the indigenous systems and are non-aggrandizing. They are occupied in realization of their aims in the ways recommended by their ancient cultures.

The model slave

Within the western system, while every body is slave to the system, some are superior slaves- superiority based on utility of the slave to expansion of the system. Slaves who provide maximum benefit to the western system are rewarded and feted and projected as role model to others. They are provided with all material comforts that the system is able to provide, and are shown to live a luxurious life so that the rest are motivated to emulate such ‘achievers’ and similarly benefit the system.

The motivation

Western systems nurture narrow selfish considerations, motivate unbridled self-aggrandization, and constantly shape ideologies and create systems that enable it to trample upon what it considers as ‘others’, to mindlessly exploit Nature, and everything else.
They created an entity called ‘god’ that was designated as the creator owner of entire creation, and then appropriated for themself the rights to speak on its behalf. The Catholic Church led western society then decreed every ‘non-believer’ and all other living beings and Earth itself as having been created by that ‘god’ for exploitaton by ‘true christians’. That system of exploitation of peoples and other living beings have been continuing for millenniums. The selfish nature nurtured by that system invariably throw up tussle to claim the rights to speak on behalf of the mute entity ‘god’. That spawned clones of catholic church- protestants, orthodox, islam and their many variants. It also created aggrandizing systems for economical and political exploitation, such as Capitalism, Communism, Nazism, Fascism, Nationalism, Racism, Socialism, Democracy. These systems have been but tools for a few to fool the many, appropriate the resources of the world and to make the many slave for the few. The motive of selfish aggrandizement inherent behind these systems create unbridgeable chasm between their theory and practice.

me and mine

Western systems distinguish those who are part of it and the rest, by various terms that have changed over time. Once it was ‘roman’, and ‘barbarian’, then ‘christian’ and ‘pagan’, ‘muslim’ and ‘kaffir’, ‘christian’ and ‘heathen’. Later, ‘white’ and ‘native’/’indian’/’tribal’, ‘working class’ and ‘brougeoisie’. Currently it is ‘modern’ and ‘primitive’ in the ‘modern’ society.

The base of such labelling is narrow selfish mentality that distinguishes this is mine and this is not, described in a sloka of mahopanishad– “अयं निज: परो वेति गणना लघुचेतसाम् ।”.
bharatiya samskriti recognizes such selfish behaviour as arising from narrow mindedness and cherish the next part of that sloka– “उदारचरितानां तु वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् ॥”- for the wise, entire world is family.

bharatiya sampada

bharatiya samskriti is shaped by the realization- aham brahmasmi (yajur veda), prajñānam brahma (rig veda), ayamātmā brahma (atharva veda), tat tvam asi (sama veda).
This realization enabled bharatiya parampara to view all creation as one family- vasudhaiva kutumbakam. It also motivated respect for all beings, attitude of service, and recognition of atman as beyond physical.

Bharat today

The current lot in Bharat, however, have been educated under the western education system that inculcates self-aggrandizing selfish attitude within each person. That education system serves the purpose of turning human beings into willing slaves of the western aggrandizing system.
The ‘educated’ lot in India today thus are bereft of a sense of self other than identification with their physical body and material possessions, and a purpose of life other than to indulge sensual cravings and self-aggrandizing urge. These people, deracinated, willingly slave their lives away, amassing material possesions, and consider that achievement. Even when they rise against the injustice perpetuated by the western system, they remain within the system, use the tools provided by the system, are guided by the system itself and retain all the characteristics inculcated by the system. The alternative models they offer are therefore just another version to aggrandize and self-promote- a clone of the existing western system with a different appearance.

Therefore many of these people accept the label created by the westerners- ‘hindu’, and try to organize themselves under that label, defining it variously to suit current needs, and indulge in the ‘us’ vs ‘them’ practice of western system. In the western system ‘us’ and ‘them’ are ostensibly defined by identification with family, place of birth, community or politico-religious allegiance, and actually by the strength of identification a person shows towards such categorizations, unlike in bharatiya samskriti where it is the person’s sense of dharma that is the paramount criteria. This concept of bharatiya samskriti is even echoed by Jesus, who asked people to cherish their neighbour, defining the ‘neighbour’ with the story of a samaritan who helps a jew in distress, explaining that the ‘us’ is not defined by narrow considerations of family of birth, position in life, occupation, or politico-religious affiliation, but by the sense of rightness or dharma, that was displayed by the samaritan when he helped the jew, thus proving himself to be the true ‘neighbour’ of the jew. The parable by Jesus shows the samaritan as engaging in nishkama karma advised by Sri Krishna in bhagavad gita, when he not only tends to the injured jew, but also takes him to nearby inn and pays the inn-keeper for taking care of the jew.
Jesus was crucified by the aggrandizing romans, who then expropriated his ideas, established a church to cut off access to those ideas by lay people, claimed the sole rights to speak on behalf of Jesus, subjugated peoples for millenniums, spawned its clones in politico-economic field and continues to do the same even now. The present day ‘christians’, educated by such church, naturally display the selfish, materialistic aggrandizing behaviour of the romans, and are far removed from Jesus, just like the present day indians, educated by the british created education system, are strangers to bharatiya sampada.

Destroying the western Raktabija

Devi mahatmyam tells about an asura Raktabija who produces clones of himself with every drop of his blood that falls on the ground. Kali devi drank the blood of that asura, preventing it from falling on Earth. Thus sucked dry of the clone producing blood, the asura was killed.
The clone producing blood of the western systems are thoughts of narrow self identification and resultant urge for selfish aggrandizement. It is this that produces clones whenever a western system is attempted to be destroyed.
Thus while steps are taken to destroy the western systems, it is necessary to also remove the thoughts of narrow self-identfication and selfish aggrandization.
It is by thus drying up the clone producing thoughts of narrow self-identfication that world destroying western systems of aggrandizement can be destroyed.

Realizing Kali devi

Kali devi, the ferocious power that sucks dry the aggrandizing thoughts, arise from Durga devi, the strong sense of rightness, and is later stabilized by Shiva bhagavan– the realized yogi.


* namaste *


1. In this text western systems have been identified as characterized by self-promoting selfish attitudes since the systems created by the west have consistently displayed such charactristic. The term ‘westerner’ is thus used for a person who behaves in self-aggrandizing manner. bharatiya samskriti calls such people mleccha. A person of non-western origin who behaves in similar way is also thus a ‘westerner’. Whereas a person born and living in the west, yet does not practice the self-aggrandizing ways of the west is not a ‘westerner’ in the context of this text.

2. The historic authenticity of person named Jesus is questioned by many people. However, the relevance of the parable of Samaritan and Jew used in this text is independent of historicity of Jesus. That is, the parable retains its meaning and relevance in the text  regardless of whether Jesus was a historic personality or a personalized concept of messiah.


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